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Monday, April 22, 2013

ABC Boat Share's new website looks good

When we went to ABC's open day recently, we were given a full insight into the new Members' Area, which looks very comprehensive and useful.

Pippa admires the solid wood
worktops and 'magic' cupboard
system being installed on
ABC's new
shared ownership boat that
is expected to be completed
in time for the Crick Show.
Each syndicate has its own Members' area, and every owner has a distinct secure log in. This means that all the syndicate documentation can be made available to owners on line - technical details, AGM minutes, accounts and - perhaps most important - the holiday booking chart.

On line bookings can be made for syndicates using the list system.  ABC are very well aware of the variations between syndicates, so this works with a combination of user input and office management to ensure the syndicate rules are followed.  It's a practical and common sense solution to what would be a very complex problem if done entirely by computer.

For syndicates using the draw system for bookings, a virtual draw is done instead of physically drawing slips of paper from a hat.

The new site has been produced for ABC by 'Get Me' of Worcester in about three months - a very impressive performance!

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