Some overnight snow at Braunston meant that the first job of the day was clearing it away - from the sterns of the boats and the access ways at least.
The forecast was for almost continuous snow or rain all day, but fortunately it proved to be not that much. During the day the temperature must have risen, as the snow that had fallen turned to slush.
There was interest in the Friends of Raymond and the volunteers providing refreshments to support Macmillan Nurses took £537.50 on the first day! |
Attendance at the BCBM boat share show was certainly not as high as last year, when the weather was mostly dry and sunny, but there were still some seriously interested visitors. I was able to answer quite a few questions in the marquee.
The main roads around Braunston are certainly well cleared at present and,for the time being at least, the snow has stopped. Hopefully more people who are interested in shared ownership boating will be able to get to see the boats here tomorrow. If you can make it, a warm welcome awaits you as the stoves on most of the boats are alight. Please be aware, though, that these stoves do get hot!