Please help us update the details of self-managed shared ownership boats.
Keeping the details of self managed boats up to date is difficult because we only get information when shares are offered on one of the monitored sites.With around half of all shared ownership narrowboats being self-managed, that leaves a big hole in the data.
So if you know anything about any of these boats it would be great to hear from you. We would particularly like to know where they are currently moored
- and, of course, whether they are still shared ownership boats.
If you click on a boat name in this list, you will open a response form with the details we currently have already entered. Just enter any new or different information and submit the form. Providing you include your email address, you will automatically get an email acknowledgement showing the amended details.
Any boat details you provide may be shared with Philip Duerden, whose (unrelated) site also carries a list of shared ownership boats.